Jul 26, 2017

New features for advanced Custom Visuals for Power BI by ZoomCharts (07.2017)

We are happy to announce that we have added some of the most requested features to ZoomCharts advanced custom visuals for Power BI! New features for Donut...

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We are happy to announce that we have added some of the most requested features to ZoomCharts advanced custom visuals for Power BI! New features for Donut...

We are happy to announce that we have added some of the most requested features to ZoomCharts advanced custom visuals for Power BI!


New features for Donut chart visual for Power BI.

- Control the number of slices visible before showing "Others" slice:


- Sort data to be displayed in Ascending or Descending order:

- Control maximum allowed width of column, in pixels;
- Control minimum allowed width of column, in pixels:
- Toggle log scale on or off (lin/log button):

- Toggle various display units on or off;
- Set initial display unit:

Login to your ZoomCharts dashboard to download latest visual update and enjoy the newest features!

Get these advanced visuals on ZoomCharts website:

Get free versions on Microsoft Office store:
We are always taking the feedback and requests we get very seriously, and we encourage you to let us know your thoughts and needs in a regard to the advanced custom visuals for Power BI.
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