Nov 27, 2019

More powerful Graph visual, responsive font and new tooltip features - November 2019 release of Advanced Visuals

November 2019 (1.5) update for Advanced Visuals has been just released. It has multiple improvements for report consumption such as responsive font size and...

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November 2019 (1.5) update for Advanced Visuals has been just released. It has multiple improvements for report consumption such as responsive font size and...

November 2019 (1.5) update for Advanced Visuals has been just released. It has multiple improvements for report consumption such as responsive font size and toolbar for dark themes. It also introduces new formatting features for Graph visual, and adds more control over value formatting and display for Combo and Timeseries visuals.
Here are the Top 5 features that are coming to your Power BI reports this month.

1.Responsive font size for report consumption on mobile devices

Number of users who consume reports on mobile devices is growing. That is why we have added a responsive font size for all Advanced Visuals. It’s an optional feature and if enabled, will make sure the values, legends and other texts scale properly to the screen size.

2. Multiple tooltip types

Multiple tooltips will give you more flexibility when displaying additional information for the chart. Select ZoomCharts Custom Tooltip for smoother user experience and additional formatting features. Choose Power BI tooltip if your report mixes native and ZoomCharts visuals and consistent style is preferred, you will also be able to include a report page in the tooltip. This feature is available for all Advanced Visuals.

3.Information rich node labels and additional node customization options for Graph visual

Graph visual has always been data driven.  Now it has even more data fields to enable additional customization options:
  • Node labels can hold more information. Add values from multiple data columns to fully describe the node. For example, instead of showing just person’s name, add department and title as well.
  • Link labels now support text. Choose how you want to describe relationships between nodes. Show numbers to illustrate money flow or show textual information to describe type of relationship. When multiple links are used, you can also set the distance between the links.
  • More data driven node customization options. Set images, colors, labels, category shapes directly in your data. Power Bi  will read the information and build the visualization for you.

4. Filter behavior control for TimeSeries visual

Choose the visual behavior that is most user-friendly for your report consumers. Keep the previous behavior where visual will filter data only if a time period is selected on the x axis. Or – choose “any action” and filter will be activated on any of these interactions - drill-down, click and drag, zoom in, zoom out  and pan.

5. Dark mode, cluster padding and additional value formatting for TimeSeries and Combo visuals

Two new setting have been added to TimeSeries and Combo visuals that offers more control over displayed values. Value shortening for Y axis allows you to set values to be displayed in thousands, millions or billions (a feature that previously was available only for value labels). Thresholds now support decimal values instead of just absolutes.
We have also added padding formatting options for clustered columns. Use them to increase space between clusters on both sides to build an easy-to-read visualization.
Show in Legend/Tooltip option has been split into 2 separate settings. This way you can add series to the chart and choose if and where to display values. For example, you can add a custom threshold to the chart and remove values from the tooltip and legend to avoid confusing it with other series.
Dark mode has been available in the TimeSeries visual for a while, but now it’s coming to the Combo visual as well. When using a dark theme for the report, enable dark mode feature to adjust color scheme for the navigation toolbar and tooltip.  It will make sure that both are visible and ensure good user experience when exploring reports. 
The latest release* of visuals is already available for download in your ZoomCharts account.
Try them out and let us know what you think!
Don’t have an account yet? Sign up for a free trial!
*Please note that due to Microsoft’s App Source update procedures, the latest version of Advanced Visuals might appear in the AppSource with delay.
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