
Getting Started

Learn more about the technical aspects of our custom visuals. Whether you are an expert or just getting started, ZoomCharts Drill Down Visuals for Power BI documentation will answer all your questions.

Create a new report

A short introduction that will teach you how to create a report in Microsoft Power BI.

Create a new report
Import a custom visual

Learn how to import custom visuals into Microsoft Power BI in just a few easy steps.

Import a custom visual

Visual specific documentation

Drill Down Donut Chart custom visual for Microsoft Power BI
Drill Down Donut PRO

Designed for exploring multi-level data in-depth and across your level of interest.

Drill Down Combo custom visual for Microsoft Power BI
Drill Down Combo PRO

A vertical bar chart that shows discrete, numerical comparisons across categories.

Drill Down Timeline Chart custom visual for Microsoft Power BI
Drill Down TimeSeries PRO

Lets you perform multi-level analysis of time-based data and explore your timeline.

Drill Down Network Chart custom visual for Microsoft Power BI
Drill Down Network PRO

Maps out connected systems and lets you examine the structure of a network.

Drill Down Graph Visual for Microsoft Power BI
Drill Down Graph PRO

Designed to explore relations and build networks from graph data.

Drill Down Waterfall Visual for Microsoft Power BI
Drill Down Waterfall PRO

Communicate change effectively with full control over column sequence and values.

Drill Down Combo Bar Visual for Microsoft Power BI
Drill Down Combo Bar PRO

Combine multiple chart types, stack and cluster bars, have full control over chart appearance.

Drill Down Pie PRO for Microsoft Power BI
Drill Down Pie PRO

Take traditional pie chart to a new level with touch driven interactions, adjustable slices and rich customization.

Drill Down Map PRO for Microsoft Power BI
Drill Down Map PRO

Visualize location data on maps that are easy and intuitive to explore on any device.

Drill Down Scatter Visual for Microsoft Power BI
Drill Down Scatter PRO

Coming Soon

Drill Down Bubble Visual for Microsoft Power BI
Drill Down Bubble PRO

Coming Soon

Drill Down Multiple TimeSeries PRO for Microsoft Power BI
Drill Down Multiple TimeSeries PRO

Coming Soon