
Formatting Options

Drill Down Graph PRO comes with a wide variety of formatting options that you can use to adjust the functionality or look and feel of your graph. This page lists the available sections within the Format Visual tab (in the order of their appearance) and provides links to their documentation articles. 
Each section contains multiple settings, and you can find links to their specific documentation articles by visiting the main page of each section from this list.

* Legend customization will be available once you have successfully created at least one node category or aura group using Source Category Class and/or Target Category Class fields or Source Node Auras and/or Target Node Auras fields.

** Node Category X will be visible only after successfully creating and assigning node categories with Source Category Class and/or Target Category Class fields. Separate Node Category sections will be created for each category.

*** Link Category X will be visible only after successfully creating and assigning link categories with the Link Category Class field. Each link category will have its separate section.

**** Aura X Configuration will be visible for each aura group that you have created using the Source Node Auras and/or Target Node Auras fields.