

Drill Down Graph PRO brings advanced graphs to Power BI. With this visual, you can have full control over node relationships, fully customize each node or link, and build even the most complex hierarchies without compromising ease-of-use or readability.


Before you begin

This visual uses a data structure based on Graph database. To successfully create a graph with this visual, you need three mandatory fields – source, target, and value. These fields are used to create nodes and identify inter-node relationships. 

Graph database structure provides the report creators with more control and new ways to visualize data, including bidirectional link support, DAX-calculated measure support, and customization for each individual node and link. 


In addition to the mandatory fields, various optional fields are available to customize certain aspects of links and nodes, such as tooltip info, custom node images or colors, aura affiliation, focus nodes, and more. You can read more in the Setting Up Fields page.

If you want to create a network chart with a categorical data structure (and not graph structure), we recommend using Drill Down Network PRO instead. You can read a comparison between Network PRO and Graph PRO in this article.

Adding Drill Down Graph PRO to Power BI

If you have downloaded this visual from Microsoft AppSource within Power BI Desktop, its icon should automatically appear in the Visualizations pane on the right side of your Power BI window. 


If you have acquired   Drill Down Graph PRO externally, you may need to add it to Power BI manually. You can do that by clicking the ellipsis button at the end of the visualizations list, and pressing Import a visual from a file. Locate the .pbiviz file and the visual will be added to the Visualizations pane.


You need to activate your trial or have a valid license to use the PRO features of this visual. Read more about licensing on this page.

Creating a graph with Drill Down Graph PRO 

Add Drill Down Graph PRO to your Power BI report by clicking the visual’s icon in the Visualizations pane. Doing so will create a blank visual that contains no data. Once you add the required fields - Source, Target, and Value ¬- your data will be visualized if the data is set up correctly. 

The visual will use all three mandatory fields to visualize each data point as a node and denote inter-node relationships with links. For each data point, the Source field must contain the ID of the ‘parent’ node that precedes it in the hierarchy, whereas Target field must contain the ID of one or multiple “child’ nodes that succeed it.

quickstart intro graph

Once you’ve created your graph chart, you can further customize its appearance and behavior in two different ways. By using the optional data fields, you can set individual values to each node or link for various appearance or behavior properties. You can read more on the Setting Up Fields page. The optional fields are divided into 4 groups: 
  • Source Node properties 
  • Target Node properties 
  • Link properties 
  • Node and Link Tooltips
You can also explore the Format Visual tab to customize the entire chart, including node or link settings, label and tooltip appearance, layout and navigation settings, toolbar items, cross-chart filtering, and more. You can use the default category sections to apply settings to all nodes or links, or individually customize each node or link category if you have created categories using the respective fields (Source Category Class and/or Target Category Class, and Link Category Class).