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Single developer license is valid for development and quality assurance only. Not valid for production use.
Single Developer License for Development and Production Deployment
Single developer license is valid for development and quality assurance only. Production deployment license is valid for the deployment of your project in the production environment.
Licenses for Development
Licences for development purposes. Not valid for production use.
Basic email support
Basic email support is provided without any guaranteed response time.
Priority email support
Priority email support is provided with guaranteed 1 business day response time.
Subscription Based Licenses
These licences permit the use of ZoomCharts in production mode. Pricing is subscription based.
Subscription Based Licenses
These licences permit the use of ZoomCharts in production mode. Offered for a one-time payment.
Licenses for Production Deployment
Production deployment license is required when you are deploying solution in the production environment (regardless if it's internal or external use).
Updates during the period of subscription
Updates are available as long as the subscription is kept active.
Business day support
One business day (upto 8h) support means that our developer will help your team with the following questions: how to configure ZoomCharts, how to create suitable data adapter, how to integrate with other JS components, which charts to choose, and so on. During this day, our developer will work closely with your team and will provide hand-on help.
Business day custom development and design service
ZoomCharts Developers and Designers will develop and design charts for your needs. Combined effort of 8h of work is included in one day service.
Custom integration
ZoomCharts Developers and Designers will develop and design charts for your needs. We will help you to connect the charts to your data sources and suggest on how to work with different data sets.
CPU cores
When the application with ZoomCharts is deployed in the production mode, you need a production licence. Production licences are based on the CPU cores that the production server has. This also applies to the CPU cores available in the containers if such distribution is used.
Perpetual license
Perpetual licence let's you use ZoomCharts for the particular project without any additional payments.
Unlimited developer license
This licence permits unlimited number of developers to work on the particular project for which the licence was bought.
Unlimited lifetime updates
This licence provides unlimited lifetime updates for the major version that the licence was bought for.
Webex support
WebEx support is a support which is provided using WebEx or similar online collaboration tool.
Chart types
ZoomCharts consists of 5 chart families. NetChart, TimeChart, PieChart, FacetChart and GeoChart.
API ingestion support
Integrate ZoomCharts Visual Graph Editor with any system using extensive API.
Graph Editor - Sharing in Cloud version
Share your dashboard and data filter settings using the share link. Unlimited sharing means the recipient will have full access to the dashboard and the data filters without authentication.
ZoomCharts custom visuals for Power BI Trial
Graph Editor - Sharing in an On-Premises version
Graphs are stored on your server - sharing subject to your server capabilities.
Development license
Development license
Development license is a license which can be used for development purposes within partners company. License provides rights to develop projects with ZoomCharts SDK but does not permit production use of ZoomCharts SDK. There is no developer count limit.
Free branded license
Free branded license is full ZoomCharts SDK license with a ZoomCharts logo in the corner of deployed charts. One free branded license is included in the Premium Partner subscription. Every other can be purchased for $99 per year.
Branded license for special price
Branded license is full ZoomCharts SDK license with a ZoomCharts logo in the corner of deployed charts. One branded license for ZoomCharts partner is $199 per year, per installation.
Lifetime commissions for web agency partners
As a web agency partner you will have 10% to 30% commissions for all the payments your clients make for ZoomCharts licenses.
Branded license for special price
This license was created especially for web agencies to fit in the niche for the projects that are not applicable for a subscription type of licenses with recurring payments. License is issued for lifetime, has a perpetual payment plan.
Detailed information is available upon a request or after a web agency Silver partner profile is created and verified.
Incoming quote requests
ZoomCharts receives incoming quote requests for custom development projects using ZoomCharts.
On a regular basis we are sending out these requests to our web agency partners. It is your free choice to send a quote back to us or not. Partner who will be chosen to develop a particular project will receive full contact details of a customer to proceed with the project. Partner will also be able to purchase required ZoomCharts licenses for the project with a discount and add a recurring revenue stream out of the difference in prices of these licenses.
Support for Partners
We do care about our partners to be as good in ZoomCharts technology, as possible. We do offer special support terms and options for our partners. More detailed information is provided to a signed partner.
Partner discounts
ZoomCharts partners are granted with special prices for all ZoomCharts products and licenses. More detailed information is provided to a signed partner.
Partner training
We offer free training for our partners. ZoomCharts features and case-studies, configuration and customization program as well as developer training by our developers. More detailed information is provided to a signed partner.
Directory listing for partners
Our partner directory listing is shared with incoming quote request authors. Listing includes all the provided information about each of the partners. Company that has requested a quote now is able to choose one or more partners to contact and proceed with the project development.
ZoomCharts services for partners
ZoomCharts offers a wide variety of services for a partner.
Free training
Advanced training
Integration audit
Maintenance services
Custom support
More detailed information is provided to a signed partner.
Project definition
ZoomCharts SDK is licensed on a per-project per-server basis. A "Project" is a website with a single domain name, a web application, an intranet or a mobile application. No developer limits.
Server definition
Production servers the part of the application that uses ZoomCharts SDK will be running. One server license is valid for one physical server of upto 8 cores or for a cluster of VPS that use upto 8 cores in total. If your server count exceeds servers allowed by license that is suitable for your company, contact us for a quote.
Support information
Some of ZoomCharts licenses are shipped with included support and onboarding. If you would like to purchase more support, please proceed to support page
Startup definition by ZoomCharts
ZoomCharts startup deal can be applied If your company:
1) is less than 3 years old;
2) has 10 or less employees;
3) had revenue of less than USD 1M in previous year
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Compliance Violation Notice
The site that you are coming from is using ZoomCharts illegally, breacing ZoomCharts End User License Agreement. Illegal use of the license is being logged and will be used as evidence of the breach.
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We do provide tech support over an email or forum.
Every online purchase of ZoomCharts license comes with a 30 days money back guarantee. Within 30 days of the purchase day you are eligible to ask us to terminate your license and fully refund your money. We will do it with no questions asked.
Subscription can be cancelled any time with no questions asked. There is no minimum time limit for subscription.
Some of ZoomCharts product licenses come with support included. If you would wish to have more support provided, please visit the support page for the particular product of ZoomCharts to purchase additional support package.