Timeline PRO has three mandatory fields that are required to
successfully create a timeline chart. Click on each link to learn more.
Date Hierarchy: Use the default Power BI date
hierarchy; or stack multiple columns (one for each time unit) to build a custom
hierarchy. Featured time units will be used as drill down levels.
Date Value (X-Axis): Add a single column
of datetime values. This data will be used to determine the X-axis placement of
the adjacent Series values. Note: Datetime values in this field must
be provided using the smallest time unit in your Date Hierarchy field.
Series X(1-25): Add numerical values or
measures for display on the Y-axis. Drag each column in its own Series field.
You can display up to 25 series on the same visual and customize each series
This visual also has two optional fields:
Legend: Split Series values into visually distinct segments that can be displayed as stacks or clusters.
Tooltip Content: One or multiple columns
of text/numerical values or measures that will be displayed in the tooltip when
the user hovers over the data point.
You can find a list of column names that are supported by
the Date Hierarchy field on this documentation page.
Read about the drill-through setup process
for Timeline PRO on this page: Drill-through
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