Registration Open
Registration Open
13 May | 21:00
Have you ever wondered where your morning cup of coffee came from? Prepare to explore a rich dataset about coffee origins, roasts, prices, ratings, and more.
Workshop | Prepare Your Best Coffee Roaster Data Analysis with ZoomCharts
Workshop | Prepare Your Best Coffee Roaster Data Analysis with ZoomCharts
23 May | 11:30
Webinar | Reviewing ZoomCharts TOP 5: Challenge 16 Finalists
Webinar | Reviewing ZoomCharts TOP 5: Challenge 16 Finalists
19 June | 11:00
13 May - 12 June
Want to learn to build PRO reports? With personalized feedback and informative workshops, this is your opportunity to take your report-building skills to the next level, build your professional portfolio, and network with like-minded people.
The ZoomCharts challenge is hosted in partnership with FP20 Analytics – a group that unites passionate and inspiring data enthusiasts, and helps new data analysts improve their skills and build a competitive portfolio. Join in and sharpen your skills together with this open and friendly data community. Read more about the challenges on the FP20 Analytics website. Join the community on LinkedIn.
Participate in FP20 Analytics ZoomCharts Challenge to enrich your skill in creating PRO reports that help business users explore data quickly and intuitively.
The best report’s creator will receive a $300 Amazon gift card from ZoomCharts. The ZoomCharts winner will be announced in a special live webinar session on June 19, where we will review the top entries from the challenge.
1. Register for the challenge:
2. Build your report in Power BI:
3. Improve your report and learn new skills:
4. Submit your challenge entry:
5. Finalize your participation to compete for the ZoomCharts grand prize:
6. Attend challenge closing webinar to hear the results:
For many of us, a cup of coffee is an integral part of the day. But how much do we really know about the intricacies of coffee production? This challenge dives into the world of coffee roasters to uncover hidden trends and intriguing insights. Prepare to explore a rich dataset brimming with information about coffee origins, roasts, prices, ratings, and more.
Create a report that allows end users to easily find answers to the following questions:
Business users use reports to make data-driven decisions. That’s why reports are called effective if they enable users to drill down and filter data quickly and intuitively to find answers to any question they might have and analyse data in all possible directions and dimensions. We will evaluate:
You are encouraged to use various techniques at your disposal, such as tooltips, drill-throughs, drill-downs, cross-chart filtering and page navigation features, to enhance your analysis.
Workshop | Prepare Your Best Coffee Roaster Data Analysis with ZoomCharts
Workshop | Prepare Your Best Coffee Roaster Data Analysis with ZoomCharts
23 May | 11:30
Webinar | Reviewing ZoomCharts TOP 5: Challenge 16 Finalists
Webinar | Reviewing ZoomCharts TOP 5: Challenge 16 Finalists
19 June | 11:00
13 May - 12 June