Visualizing DataDNA Youtube Dataset with ZoomCharts (Part 1)

08 Nov, 2023 | 05:00 AM - EST

Workshop dedicated to Onyx Data DataDNA November 2023 Dataset Challenge (Part 1 of 2)


About webinar

ZoomCharts product expert Aivis hosts a workshop on dataset visualization with ZoomCharts for the Onyx Data DataDNA Dataset Challenge & ZoomCharts Mini Challenge, November 2023.

In this workshop we take a look at previous months' challenge entries to identify some prevalent issues and turn them into learning opportunities for the November challenge.

See some practical examples for:


 - Choosing the right color palette

 - Filters and slicers

 - The importance of 'Reset' button



Date and time

08 Nov, 2023

05:00 AM - EST


Aivis Pavlovs

Aivis Pavlovs, Senior Product Expert at ZoomCharts

Watch recording

About webinar

ZoomCharts product expert Aivis hosts a workshop on dataset visualization with ZoomCharts for the Onyx Data DataDNA Dataset Challenge & ZoomCharts Mini Challenge, November 2023.

In this workshop we take a look at previous months' challenge entries to identify some prevalent issues and turn them into learning opportunities for the November challenge.

See some practical examples for:


 - Choosing the right color palette

 - Filters and slicers

 - The importance of 'Reset' button



Date and time

08 Nov, 2023

05:00 AM - EST


Aivis Pavlovs

Aivis Pavlovs, Senior Product Expert at ZoomCharts