Are your Power BI reports user-friendly enough? Our senior product expert Aivis Pavlovs shares his 5 design tips for excellent report design that will immerse your users in their data.
In this webinar, we describe the most common complaints and issues users can have when they encounter an unintuitive report.
To solve these issues, our senior product expert Aivis Pavlovs goes through the 5 main pillars that hold up a compelling and user-friendly Power BI report:
1) Ideas for nice-looking layouts
2) The importance of navigation within a report
3) Visual switches and their uses
4) The value of help overlays
5) Keeping track of levels with dynamic visual titles
Discover the secrets to creating visually stunning and easy-to-use reports that will impress your colleagues and clients alike. Watch the recording and spruce up your old reports now!
13 Jul, 2021
09:00 AM - EDT
Aivis Pavlovs, Senior Product Expert at ZoomCharts
In this webinar, we describe the most common complaints and issues users can have when they encounter an unintuitive report.
To solve these issues, our senior product expert Aivis Pavlovs goes through the 5 main pillars that hold up a compelling and user-friendly Power BI report:
1) Ideas for nice-looking layouts
2) The importance of navigation within a report
3) Visual switches and their uses
4) The value of help overlays
5) Keeping track of levels with dynamic visual titles
Discover the secrets to creating visually stunning and easy-to-use reports that will impress your colleagues and clients alike. Watch the recording and spruce up your old reports now!
13 Jul, 2021
09:00 AM - EDT
Aivis Pavlovs, Senior Product Expert at ZoomCharts