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Onyxdata September 2023 Challenge

Report Author: Beni Oktopiansah


Shark Tank Analysis by Beni Oktopiansah


Combo Combo Bar Timeline Map Donut Research

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This Power BI report is based on one of the top entries for ZoomCharts Mini Challenge, September 2023, which was hosted in collaboration with Onyx Data. The challenge dataset was based on the popular TV show Shark Tank US. 
The report has been overhauled by ZoomCharts to improve the design, interactivity, and overall user experience following the Drill Down Report standard. The report has been enhanced with ZoomCharts custom Drill Down PRO visuals to showcase the ease of use and features such as on-chart interactions and cross-chart filtering, resulting in a more user-friendly experience. 
See the original report submitted by the author here. 

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Download this report to see all the settings, formulas, and calculations. Try it out with your own data by making a few adjustments. 

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