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FP20 Analytics April 2024 Challenge

Report Author: Mina Saad


HR Analytics Power BI Report by Mina Saad


Combo Combo Bar Timeline Donut Human Resources

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This HR analytics Power BI dashboard is the winning entry for the FP20 Analytics April 2024 ZoomCharts Challenge. It’s designed to help companies make data-driven decisions by visualizing trends in headcount, hiring, terminations, and other key HR metrics. The second page also provides deeper insights by analyzing HR metrics in relation to factors like gender, location, age group, and ethnicity.

ZoomCharts team selected this report as the winner because of its clean and simple design that visually emphasizes the most important data and avoids visual clutter. The visuals work together to dynamically analyze data from multiple dimensions via cross-filtering – for example, if you select a specific gender on the donut chart or an age group in the combo chart, all other visuals on the page will filter data to that demographic.

This Power BI HR analytics dashboard example is based on the challenge submission with minor refinements by the ZoomCharts team. See the original submission here.

How To Use This Report Template

To interact with this Power BI report, simply click any active elements directly on the charts. 
Download this report to see all the settings, formulas, and calculations. Try it out with your own data by making a few adjustments. 

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