Campaign Performance Analysis

Report Author: Win Lai


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Report submitted for OnyxData #DataDNA and ZoomCharts Challenge June 2024. The report was built with the Marketing Campaing Dataset and includes ZoomCharts custom Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI.

Author's description:

Throughout this challenge, I’ve explored the dynamic intersection of data and marketing, uncovering key insights and trends that drive impactful campaigns. Here are some highlights from my dashboard:

🔍 Seasonal Campaign Performance: Fall emerged as the powerhouse season with the highest ROI in Manchester (155%), signaling peak consumer engagement and spending. Summer showcased exceptional ad efficiency with the highest overall ROAS (14.09), despite lower ROI percentages. Spring provided steady returns, with Manchester leading again (102%), reflecting consistent engagement.

📊 City-Specific Insights: Manchester consistently outperformed Birmingham and London across all seasons, demonstrating robust engagement and conversion rates. London highlighted opportunities for more targeted strategies to enhance campaign effectiveness and ROI.

💡 Strategic Recommendations: Focus Fall campaigns on Manchester and Birmingham to capitalize on high returns. Optimize Summer spending to leverage high ROAS and maintain engagement, especially in Manchester. Balance Spring campaigns to drive steady growth and stabilize returns across all cities.

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