Marketing Campaign Analysis Dataset

Report Author: Ogungbile Marvelous


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Report submitted for OnyxData #DataDNA and ZoomCharts Challenge June 2024. The report was built with the Marketing Campaing Dataset and includes ZoomCharts custom Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI.

Author's description:

I'm thrilled to submit my entry for the Onyx Data Set DNA Challenge. I've developed a comprehensive Power BI dashboard to analyze the performance metrics of marketing campaigns.

Project Overview: This project involves creating a robust Power BI dashboard to analyze the daily performance metrics of marketing campaigns. The dataset includes metrics across various dimensions such as cities, channels, and devices. The primary objective of the dashboard is to provide actionable insights into the effectiveness of each campaign and identify opportunities for optimization.

My dashboard offers a detailed analysis of campaign performance, enabling users to:

  • Track key performance metrics across different dimensions
  • Identify areas for improvement and optimize marketing strategies
  • Make data-driven decisions with actionable insights"

Your text is well-structured and clear, with correct grammar and good flow. It effectively communicates the purpose and scope of your project in a concise manner.

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