Marketing Campaign Performance Analysis

Report Author: Ugochukwu Nwasuruba


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Report submitted for OnyxData #DataDNA and ZoomCharts Challenge June 2024. The report was built with the Marketing Campaing Dataset and includes ZoomCharts custom Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI.

Author's description:

This analysis is for a UK-based clothing store that launched targeted marketing campaigns for the Spring, Fall, and Summer seasons. Each campaign included two distinct advertisements on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram: one highlighting discounts and the other showcasing the latest clothing collections. The campaigns specifically targeted three major cities: London, Birmingham, and Manchester.

Key Insights:

  1. Campaign Seasons:

    • Fall campaign is the most expensive but generates the highest conversion value.
    • Summer campaign, despite the lowest spend, shows a competitive conversion value.
    • Spring campaign provides a balance between spend and conversion value.
  2. Ad Types:

    • Discount ads generate higher conversion value and higher ROI/ROAS, indicating more effective performance.
    • Collection ads have a higher CPC but lower CTR compared to discount ads.
  3. Channels:

    • Pinterest shows the highest conversion value with the lowest spend, indicating strong efficiency.
    • Facebook, despite the highest spend, has the lowest conversion value.
    • Instagram has moderate spend and conversion value, but a high CPC and CTR.


  • Focus on Summer Campaigns: They provide good conversion value with lower spend.
  • Leverage Discount Ads: They are more effective in generating higher ROI and ROAS.
  • Optimize Spend on Pinterest: Given its high conversion value with lower spend, investing more in Pinterest could yield better returns.
  • Reassess Facebook Strategy: With high spend but low conversion value, Facebook campaigns might need optimization or reallocation of the budget to more effective channels like Pinterest or Instagram.

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