Fitness Company Finance Analysis

Report Author: Jesse Ekanem


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Report submitted for Onyx Data DataDNA ZoomCharts Mini Challenge, August 2024. The report was built based on Fitness Company Finance Dataset and includes ZoomCharts custom Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI. 

Author's description: 

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the company's financial performance, focusing on revenue, expenses, and profitability.

Revenue Performance:
Total revenue for the year is $17.56M, with a gross profit of $14.74M. The sports equipment line shows strong revenue generation, while the nutrition and food supplements line lags behind.

Cost Management:
Total COGS amounts to $2.82M, indicating a need to monitor and potentially optimize these costs further. Total OPEX is $5.60M, which significantly impacts net profit margins.

Net profit for the year is $5.6M, with a gross profit margin of 83.95% and a net profit margin of 31.89%. These metrics indicate strong profitability, though there is room for improvement by focusing on cost reductions.

Seasonal Trends:
Quarterly and monthly analysis reveals fluctuations in revenue and expenses, suggesting the presence of seasonal trends that require strategic planning.


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