ONYX Data - Udemy Sales Overview

Report Author: Bimal Subhasis


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Report submitted for Onyx Data DataDNA ZoomCharts Mini Challenge, January 2024. The report was built based on Udemy Courses dataset and includes ZoomCharts custom Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI.  

Author's description:
The report is divided into three main sections for easy navigation and understanding:
A. Header Search: This section is mapped to the landing page of Udemy.
1. Overall Performance: In this section, card visuals are used to provide an overview of the overall performance. It gives a snapshot of key indicators and metrics.
2. Analysis: This section offers an in-depth analysis of sales and subscriptions by year. It includes hyperlinks for investigating performance at different levels and subjects. A reset button is available to return to the default view. Additionally, monthly performance can be examined based on user selection. A detailed tabular view of courses is provided, along with segregation between paid and free types, along with their respective subjects.
3. Correlation and Discussion Points: In this section, several discussion points are covered, including courses with no subscribers, current and future forecasts, and correlations between subscribers and each component. Buttons are available to change the visuals based on the existing selection, and a reset button is provided to return to the default view. Overall, this report offers a comprehensive and organized view of the data, allowing users to analyze performance and explore correlations effectively.

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