App Store Game Trends: A Decade of Insights (2008-2019)

Report Author: Zakaria Fadili


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Report submitted for FP20 Analytics ZoomCharts Challenge 18 (August 2024). The report was built with the Mobile Game Analysis dataset and includes ZoomCharts custom Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI. 

Author's description:
App Store Game Analysis report offers a detailed analysis of the App Store Games dataset across three pages: Overview, Developer Insights, and Games Details.
Overview: This page provides a snapshot of key metrics, such as user ratings, game prices, and popular genres over time. It highlights trends and insights, like the dominance of the Strategy genre, allowing stakeholders to quickly understand market dynamics from 2008 to 2019.
Games Details: This page offers a granular view of individual games, including user ratings, prices, and language availability. Interactive visuals, such as tables and slicers, allow users to filter and analyze data easily, making this page a valuable tool for in-depth analysis.
Overall, this report provides a comprehensive view of the App Store games market, enabling stakeholders to extract actionable insights and make strategic decisions.

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