CRM Sales Pipeline Analysis

Report Author: Magdalena Koszczuk


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Report submitted for FP20 Analytics ZoomCharts Challenge 17 (July 2024). The report was built with the CRM & Sales Pipeline Analysis dataset and includes ZoomCharts custom Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI. 

Author's description:
📈 This month I am participating in FP20 Analytics Challenge 17 by Federico Pastor and ZoomCharts.
📈 The dataset pertains to a company seeking to assess its CRM data and sales pipeline for leads registered over the past five months. The objective is to create an in-depth analytical report that delivers insights into lead distribution by country, industry, and organization size. The report will also evaluate the health of the sales pipeline, project potential income for the upcoming months, and compare the performance of sales agents.
📊 Link to interactive dashboard in Power BI: To be Added Soon Analyzed areas and insights: The pipeline shows healthy conversion rate of 5.7% with $184,000 in sales from 79 won deals. The average expected time of 196 days leaves place for optimization in the time to reduce cycle times.
📈 Trends in Deal Values & Forecast: Analyzed variations in average deal values to understand seasonal trends and market influences. ->February had the highest conversion rate for deals. Both deal values and conversion rate are decreasing since February, which requires attention and new strategy in order to not fulfill declining deal value forecast. ->Italy have the biggest potential for deals with significantly higher number of organizations, agents achieve the best conversion rate in Netherlands, while Germany highest average deal value.
📈 Sales Performance by Industry: Investigated which industries generate the highest deal values and the most closed deals. Transportation and Logistics is the industry with biggest deal value gained from customers. While IT & Services has the biggest value of Won deals.
📈 Top Sales Agents Performance: Recognized the agents who consistently secure high-value deals and manage a substantial volume of transactions. 📈 Importance of Organization Size: Examined how the size of an organization affects the sales cycle duration and deal value. Enterprises and small organizations have the biggest conversion rate. Enterprises focus on Custom solution and Services, while small chose variety of products.
📈 Duration of Sales Cycles: Analyzed the factors that influence the time taken from lead acquisition to deal closure - actual vs expected one. There is still a place for improvement to reduce cycle time although monthly average actual time is positive.
📈 Effectiveness of Product Strategies: SAAS has the best conversion rate and profitability out of products, characterizes lower average deal value than other product, which indicates that customers are more eager to acquire this option.

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