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Report submitted for FP20 Analytics ZoomCharts Challenge, December 2023. The report was built with Xmas Gift Sales dataset and includes ZoomCharts custom Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI.
Author's description:
Visualization Section: "General" Section (First Page): Comparative cards for total sales, profits, quantity of products, and operations. Top 3 best-selling products. ZoomCharts deep dive bar graph. Scatter plot to assess the relationship between unit price, sales volume, and customer behavior. Detailed matrix of units sold by country and city. ZoomCharts map to visualize branches in Europe. Dynamic filters by year, country, and sales section.
"Customers" Section (First Page): Filters by countries, years, and sales section. ZoomCharts deep dive bar chart for sold products, payment method, and gender. ZoomCharts drill-down network chart to assess the relationship between customer type, budget, and payment method. ZoomCharts pie chart to assess the relationship between type, category, and product name. Detailed table of payment methods by gender.
Conclusions and Projections: On the second page, detailed results, future projections, and strategic recommendations are provided. This report not only presents a comprehensive analysis of past sales but also provides a solid foundation for future decision-making, enabling the company to anticipate and adapt to market trends with a proactive approach.
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