Tactical Crime Analysis of London

Report Author: Subham Pramanick


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Report submitted for FP20 Analytics ZoomCharts Challenge, November 2023. The report was built with Tactical Crime Analysis dataset and includes ZoomCharts custom Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI. 

Author's description:
Explore my Power BI dashboard, meticulously crafted for Tactical Crime Analysis. The first deck showcases an array of visuals, including slicers, cards, and tables, offering a comprehensive overview. Dive deeper with the dynamic ZoomCharts Drill Down features — Combo Bar PRO, Timeline PRO, and Map PRO, providing an interactive exploration experience. In the second deck, witness the power of Python script visuals, specifically designed for an impactful heatmap. Feel free to enable script visuals directly or review the script before activating them in the .pbix file. Uncover nuanced patterns and trends seamlessly with this comprehensive and engaging dashboard.

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