Email Communication Analysis

Report Author: Balu Chelluri


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Report submitted for Onyx Data DataDNA ZoomCharts Mini Challenge, July 2024. The report was built based on Internal Email Analysis dataset and includes ZoomCharts custom Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI. 

Author's description:
This is the ZoomCharts Version of Onyx data July Challenge
Objective : Analyze internal email data to map communication patterns, identify key influencers, and optimize organizational efficiency through enhanced insights into collaboration dynamics. Effective communication is crucial in both professional endeavors and daily interactions. Clear communication not only resolves misunderstandings but also fosters productivity and collaboration.
Assumptions: As a Data Analyst at Onyx Data Solutions, I analyze internal email data to gauge employee sentiments and optimize organizational efficiency.
Limitations: The data provided only has details when (date) , who sent the email and their department details with their reaction (Positive , negative , neutral ) and status of the mail (Opened ,Unopened) and finally the topic we don't have any more context to analyze the sentiment .
This report is designed with consideration for future data additions and refreshes It contains 3 pages.
Overview Page: Provides details of email transfers within our company: Emails sent to different departments on various topics. Emails sent and received by different seniority levels. Active senders and receivers. Daily and weekly email trends. Sentiment analysis of topics. On-time and off-time communication.
Employee View: Offers information on selected employees across different dimensions: Sent and received emails by topic and department. Number of emails received from and sent to other individuals. Emails sent during working hours and days. Weekly and daily trends of sent and received emails.
Details Page: Provides an in-depth view of each email. Filters available to understand patterns according to specific requirements.

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