FP20 Analytics Challenge 11

Report Author: Prakash Singh


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Report submitted for FP20 Analytics ZoomCharts Challenge, November 2023. The report was built with Tactical Crime Analysis dataset and includes ZoomCharts custom Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI. 

Author's description:
🚨 Crime Insights:
📊 Our analysis reveals a crime rate of 28.41 per 1 lakh population, emphasizing the prevalence of Violence & Sexual Offences. Noteworthy is the 75% Clearance Rate for Theft and a significant 69% of crimes occurring during the evening and night.
🍂 Autumn emerges as the peak season, particularly in September to November, with a spike in crime rates. Central London, notably Southwark borough, stands out as a hotspot, reporting over 1500 cases, predominantly Violence & Sexual Offences (580) and Anti-Social Behaviour (292).
📍 To address this, heightened awareness initiatives, especially against sexual abuse and anti-social behavior, are crucial. Proactive law enforcement measures during peak hours and seasons are recommended to ensure public safety. Demographically, the middle age group represents 44% of crimes, with ages 60-62 showing the highest crime rate. Seniors exhibit a slightly higher Clearance Rate. About 67% belong to Ethnicities 1 & 2, highlighting the need for culturally sensitive interventions.
🚓 City-specific data points to the City of London having the highest crime rate (780 per 1 lakh population), followed by Southwark (123) and City of Westminster (158). Tailored strategies for these areas are essential to curb crime effectively. Gender-wise, around 70% of crimes involve males, signaling a notable disparity. Monitoring individuals at moderate and high risk is crucial for proactive crime prevention.

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