Marketing Campaign Analysis

Report Author: Sharad Suman


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Report submitted for OnyxData #DataDNA and ZoomCharts Challenge June 2024. The report was built with the Marketing Campaing Dataset and includes ZoomCharts custom Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI.

Author's description:

The report provides insights on financial and social media-related KPIs such as CTR%, CPC, Total Spend, earnings through conversions, and derived KPIs like Profit, average user spend per purchase, and % of conversion based on user activity. Top filters allow viewing data across different dimensions.

The KPI Card at the top displays month-over-month (MOM) changes in these KPIs, defaulting to the last month of available data compared to previous months.

Financial Insights:

  • Campaign-wise financial figures including Profit based on spend and total value generated.
  • Decomposition tree for Profit showcasing benefits generated across dimensions.
  • Daily influencers of CPC and top segments.
  • Average conversion rate based on user activity (sum of likes, clicks, comments, shares) and earnings per purchase.

Social Media Insights:

  • Covers CTR%, interaction rate, and overall ads performance metrics such as likes, shares, clicks, and comments.

ZoomCharts visuals used

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