Registration Open
Registration Open
16 January | 19:00
Try your hand at strategic planning in education with a real-life data use case.
Workshop | FP20 Analytics Challenge 13: Education Management with ZoomCharts
Workshop | FP20 Analytics Challenge 13: Education Management with ZoomCharts
06 February | 09:00
Webinar | FP20 Analytics Challenge 13: ZoomCharts Award Winner
Webinar | FP20 Analytics Challenge 13: ZoomCharts Award Winner
21 February | 11:00
16 January - 14 February
The ZoomCharts challenge is hosted in partnership with FP20 Analytics – a group that unites passionate and inspiring data enthusiasts, and helps new data analysts improve their skills and build a competitive portfolio. Join in and sharpen your skills together with this open and friendly data community. Read more about the challenges on the FP20 Analytics website. Join the community on LinkedIn.
Participate in FP20 Analytics ZoomCharts Challenge to enrich your skill in creating excellent Power BI reports that help business users explore data quickly and intuitively.
The best report’s creator will receive a $300 Amazon gift card from ZoomCharts. The winner will be announced in a special live webinar session on February 21, where we will review the top entries from the challenge.
Note: If you opt to post your report on NovyPro, for instructions on how to do this, refer to the provided video link.
NovyPro: Fort Vermilion School Division (FVSD) is a governmental organization responsible for overseeing schools in the northwestern corner of Alberta, Canada. FVSD is renowned for their commitment to data-driven planning and decision-making to empower every student with equal opportunities and care in education. For this challenge, FVSD have contributed their data so you can practice your skills with a real-world use case.
Background information to help you understand the data
The school year is split into 3 semesters (Fall, Winter, and Spring). Each student is assessed each semester using three test (assessment) types — TOSREC, TOWRE and TOSWRF — using a standard score system. For each test, there is a known associated cost per student.
Based on the received score, students are split into groups indicating their performance level. Two types of grouping are used: 1) assessment level (very poor, at risk, good etc.), and 2) assessment level grouping (below average or average and above). Students with poor test results are required to take additional classes (Intervention groups), where each group contains 5 or 10 students depending on the test score, and require additional teacher resources.
Create a report that allows end users to easily find answers to the following questions:
1. Total number of students per each assessment level broken down by:
2. Total number of students per each assessment type broken down by
3. % of students (calculated from the total number of students) per each assessment level broken down by:
4. % of students (calculated from the total number of students) per each assessment level group broken down by
5. Students Assessments between 80 and 90 Standard Score in each period go into an Intervention Group (Tier 2). This Group contains 10 Students that requires one Teacher. How Many teachers will we require for these Intervention Groups in Winter of 2023 / 2024 based on 2023 / 2024 Fall Results.
6. Students Assessments below 80 Standard Score in each period go into an Intervention Group (Tier 3). This Group contains 5 Students that requires one Teacher. How Many teachers will we require for these Intervention Groups in Winter of 2023 / 2024 based on 2023 / 2024 Fall Results.
7. What are projected testing costs for Winter of 2023 / 2024 based on 2023 / 2024 Fall results?
Optional: (Division of school years and semesters doesn't follow the traditional logic of Calendar year, and Same Period Last year calculations, and can be very complex to solve. Therefore, for these exercises, we have prepared a date calendar in the model that takes into account the semesters and the yearly split of school years. So please pay attention to the values that are provided)
Tip: This information can be displayed in separate charts or in drill down levels.
Business users use reports to make data-driven decisions. That’s why reports are called effective if they enable users to drill down and filter data quickly and intuitively to find answers to any question they might have and analyse data in all possible directions and dimensions. We will evaluate:
You are encouraged to use various techniques at your disposal, such as tooltips, drill-throughs, drill-downs, cross-chart filtering and page navigation features, to enhance your analysis.
Workshop | FP20 Analytics Challenge 13: Education Management with ZoomCharts
Workshop | FP20 Analytics Challenge 13: Education Management with ZoomCharts
06 February | 09:00
Webinar | FP20 Analytics Challenge 13: ZoomCharts Award Winner
Webinar | FP20 Analytics Challenge 13: ZoomCharts Award Winner
21 February | 11:00
16 January - 14 February