Custom coded multi-touch interaction layer combined with an extensive API results in an amazing charts that feel alive when you touch them!
Explore multi-level data in depth and across the level of interest.
Explore single and multi-dimensional data with optional side-by-side comparison
Go back to the previous upper-level of the data.
You may finetune your chart appearance by dragging up/down and left/right. Dragging it up will zoom in. Dragging it down will zoom out. Left or right drag will move x-axis to left or right revealing more data.
The most efficient way of exploring time-based data
Drill down to a next time measurment unit. E.g.: Drill down from a yearl by months view to a month by days view.
Timeline axis has two time scale informational elements. Upper line shows time scale for the visualized time grain. Bottom line shows information in larger time scale. You are able to reposition and zoom the visible time range to fit bottom lines timeframe.
Zoom out to view a larger time period.
Change the displayed time period to earlier.
Change the displayed time period to later.
Finetune visible time period of the chart by changing the zoom level and adjusting start and end points of the visible time span by single interaction.
Toggle y-axis from linear to logarithmic scale and back.
Explore and navigate network data with interactive JavaScript Net Chart for gaph data visualization
Rotates the whole network visualization
Feature is disabled by default. Has to be enabled in configuration.Make nodes location fixed so it does not move while user interacts with any other part of the network.
Control the zoom level of graph visualization
Location based data on an interactive map