Mar 06, 2015

University of Latvia’s Mega Screen

Some innovative minds at the University of Latvia are currently crafting a unique, futuristic tech tool that is unlike anything that exists in the market...
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Some innovative minds at the University of Latvia are currently crafting a unique, futuristic tech tool that is unlike anything that exists in the market...
Some innovative minds at the University of Latvia are currently crafting a unique, futuristic tech tool that is unlike anything that exists in the market today.

Twenty five Dell monitors have been put together to create one massive screen, with a total resolution of 9600 x 5400 pixels. With each screen capable of full HD resolution, this is 25 times the full HD experience!

To put things into perspective, imagine an iPhone’s 8 megapixel screen, or a DSLR’s 16 megapixel photograph: both are pretty apt for everyday needs by today’s standards. Well, this is a 52 megapixel screen.

No such device with a screen resolution this large can be purchased today, but with custom hardware, one very fast PC, and 25 monitors, it can be built. This is all happening right now at the University of Latvia.

ZoomCharts was invited by the University to check out their impressive work in action, and while there, got the opportunity to display some interactive charts and graphs on the big screen. The marriage of fully interactive software and a larger than life screen display made for a dynamic and unforgettable experience!

Geniuses at the University of Latvia have crafted a massive screen that offers 25 times the full HD experience. A regular sized monitor placed here gives an idea of the screen’s incredibly large scale.

A normal monitor by today’s standards displayed in the top left screen is contrasted against the massive scale of the mega monitor being crafted by innovators at the University of Latvia.

The capabilities of ZoomCharts interactive data visualization tools are taken to the next level with the mega screen currently in development at the University of Latvia, a 52 megapixel screen that offers 25 times the full HD experience.

ZoomCharts interactive data visualization tools have never looked so good, while being displayed on the University of Latvia’s custom built mega monitor, consisting of 25 Dell monitors and offering a 52 megapixel experience.

A ZoomCharts time chart is displayed in all its massive glory on the University of Latvia’s mega 25 Dell monitor screen, and this is only at about 40% of its full display capabilities!

ZoomCharts is a leading data visualization provider, offering the world’s most interactive data visualization software. All charts and graphs are completely interactive, support big data sets, work on all modern devices including touch screens, and perform at incredibly fast speeds. Be among the growing number of professionals discovering the exciting potential that ZoomCharts has in improving the efficiency of data analysis and presentation.

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