What a legendary event it was! ZoomCharts interactive data visualization software made heads turn and people talk, which resulted in a dramatic increase of our sales. We received tons of positive feedback and testimonies on how ZoomCharts helped people to analyze their data in more efficient ways and how it helped them to increase sales.

Because of the unique way presenters and researchers can interact with the ZoomCharts graphs and charts our users improve efficiency of their processes and minimize time spent on research and analysis. There are no products like that in the market.

Check out our gallery and try ZoomCharts for FREE: https://zoomcharts.com/en/gallery/

Guest speakers talk about marketing

Participants and guests arrive

Moments before crowds of visitors start swarming the ZoomCharts booth

ZoomCharts team sets up the booth

Another presentation of IMDb visualization with ZoomCharts

Final presentation gathers hundreds

Here are all of the photos from the event: https://www.flickr.com/photos/zoomcharts/sets/72157652349494470

ZoomCharts participation in the event "Collision" is supported by Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

Data Visualization Software Lab ir noslēdzis 14.08.2015 līgumu Nr.L-ĀTA-15-3164 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par projekta Nr.ĀTA/ īstenošanu, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās Attīstības Fonds.

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Online Examples

See various ZoomCharts exmaples in our online examples gallery. Each of examples has sample source code exposed.

See ZoomCharts examples

ZoomCharts Pricing

ZoomCharts licensing is transparent and simple, yet widely configurable to fit your company's needs and budget.

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ZoomCharts JavaScript Charts: Best New Features of 2022

2022 was a big year for data visualization, and it was an even bigger year for ZoomCharts JavaScript Charts. We implemented many useful and much-requested features such as conditional formatting, new data aggregation options, and more. We’re even more excited to share the upcoming features that you can expect in 2023. Read all about them!

Read More

Dec 22, 2022

Analyze your Google Sheets data with ZoomCharts Spreadsheet Analytics

ZoomCharts Spreadsheet Analytics is a tool that allows you to receive an instant interactive report out of your spreadsheet data just by browsing that... Read More

Jan 05, 2017

Turn your spreadsheets into interactive reports in seconds

We introduce Spreadsheet Analytics. That means there is a new way to visualize and explore your spreadsheet data. Spreadsheet Analytics is an application build... Read More

Nov 09, 2016

Data Visualization for Cyber Security

Big Data is no longer the hype that it used to be till a couple of years back. It’s a reality now – the data revolution is already here. The web has... Read More

Feb 09, 2016

Data Visualisation for Online Banking

How do you feel when you are presented with a large volume of unexciting data which can actually take hours to extract any meaningful insight? To be more... Read More

Feb 02, 2016

Ho Ho Holiday Special Offer from ZoomCharts

The ZoomCharts team wishes you happy holidays and a very special New Year! To make the most out of the next year, we've came up with a special holiday deal for... Read More

Dec 15, 2015

Approaching Businesses at Data Visualisation Summit in London

When Data Visualisation Summit announced its slogan “Telling your story with data”, we knew the ZoomCharts team had to exhibit there, so on November 11-12... Read More

Dec 10, 2015

Exhibiting at TechCrunch Disrupt in London

Another great chance to put us on the radar of potential customers! We're exhibiting at TechCrunch Disrupt in London on December 7-8. TechCrunch Disrupt is... Read More

Dec 04, 2015

Starting Big at Web Summit 2015 in Dublin

The ZoomCharts team had an opportunity to attend Web Summit 2015 on November 3-5 in Dublin, one of the largest technology conferences in the world. The... Read More

Dec 04, 2015

TypeRacer Fans Can Now Compare and Visualize Their Scores

Are you a fan of TypeRacer.com? Want to see the big picture of your typing progress since the beginnings? Compare your performance with the scores of your... Read More

Nov 25, 2015

Meet Us at Data Visualisation Summit in London

To help you get more out of ZoomCharts, we'd love to meet you in person and show you our newest features. As our team is going to London on November 10-13,... Read More

Oct 28, 2015

Battling for Best Startup Title at Web Summit in Dublin

Proud to announce ZoomCharts has been shortlisted for the Web Summit BETA pitch! We'll be battling in front of the world’s leading investors, media and... Read More

Oct 28, 2015

ZoomCharts Receives Rising Star Title

Awesome news! On October 22nd, ZoomCharts received the “Rising Star” title and was named as one of Latvia's best new exporting brands. “Rising... Read More

Oct 28, 2015

ZoomCharts v1.9 - Setting Milestones

ZoomCharts v1.9 is now available! ZoomCharts has always been a niche leader but now our multi-touch support has got even better! See the new features in a... Read More

Oct 13, 2015

Your Powerpoint presentations will come alive with ZoomCharts!

With almost every presentation we create, we face a fundamental challenge – how to display and present huge amount of data without losing audience interest... Read More

Aug 25, 2015

ZoomCharts Experience: Episode 4, Performance

ZoomCharts HTML5 charts are built with a particular focus on mobile users. Fluid animations, speedy rendering, multitouch support, Big Data readiness are just... Read More

Aug 05, 2015

ZoomCharts Experience: Episode 3, Date Picker

Exploring the intricate details of your big data sets can be frustrating when your tools do not provide you with the functionality you require to go deeper... Read More

May 21, 2015

Happy Easter from ZoomCharts!

From the entire ZoomCharts team, we’d like to wish everyone a safe and happy Easter, whether your plans consist of a large consumption of food, chocolate,... Read More

Apr 01, 2015

ZoomCharts Experience: Episode 1, Swipe & Pinch

This is the first installment in the new ZoomCharts Experience video series. These video shorts will continue on a regular basis to offer a fun, fast, and... Read More

Mar 26, 2015

ZoomCharts at TechHub Riga Meetup: March 12, 2015

ZoomCharts is very excited to be part of the TechHub Rīga Meetup on March 12, 2015, taking place at Kaļķu street 12/14, Rīga, LV-1050, Latvia.... Read More

Feb 27, 2015

ZoomCharts Featured on Japanese Website nikkei BPnet

ZoomCharts is proud to have been named among the best data visualization providers by Japanese technology website, nikkei BPnet. One of ZoomCharts’... Read More

Feb 27, 2015

Happy New Year from ZoomCharts!

From the entire team here at ZoomCharts, we would like to extend a big thank you to all of our loyal customers and potential clients who have expressed... Read More

Dec 31, 2014