ZoomCharts Documentation

Version: 1.21.1 (2025-02-07)
Switch to Version 2.0 (BETA)


Inheritance hierarchy

This type inherits from BaseDataErrorResponse. Through this type it also inherits members from BaseDataObjectBase.


This type does not define any methods.


Use `values` instead.
dataLimitFrom: string | number

Specifies the start of the time range for which the data is available. The main purpose of this property is to disallow the user to scroll to far back and also to instruct the chart that there will never be any data returned before this point.

dataLimitTo: string | number

Specifies the end of the time range for which the data is available. See also dataLimitFrom. This value has to be larger than the largest timestamp in the data.

error: string
Inherited from: BaseDataErrorResponse

If the data could not be retrieved, this field can be used to instruct the chart to cancel the data request and log an error. Note that in most cases this field should not be used in favor of returning the correct HTTP status code (such as 404 or 500) so that the browser and any proxies do not cache the response.

extra: any
Inherited from: BaseDataObjectBase

Store any additional data values within this field. Although it is possible to extend the data object itself with additional fields it is not recommended to do so because a future ZoomCharts version could introduce a known parameter with the same name thus changing the behavior of an existing chart.

from: string | number

The time range the data in this response covers. This usually will match the from parameter in the request although it can be less than it as well.

timeZone: string
Introduced in version 1.12.0.

Time zone identifier, for example, UTC or America/Los_Angeles. See time zone support for details.

It is recommended that the data source always return data in UTC.

The default is UTC.

See also

The time range the data in this response covers. Note that if this value is less than the to parameter in the request, the chart will automatically issue another request for the time range after this.

unit: string
Version 1.15.0: multiples of units (such as 5 m are now supported).

Specifies the units in which the data in this response is aggregated by. Note that even if the chart requests a larger unit (for example, days), the data response might include a smaller unit like hours and this property is used by the chart to detect this.

The unit must match one of the units defined in data.units settings array.

Version 1.16.0: Added support for typed arrays.

The list of values for the chart. Each array represents values for a single point in time. The first (index 0) value must contain the timestamp value, the rest are values for individual series. For example: [[time1, series1_Val1, series2_Val1], [time2, series1_Val2, series2_Val2]]