ZoomCharts Documentation


This section is defined by the type TimeChartSettingsLocalization.

Localizeable strings including export type options and useful default buttons used for chart interaction. Buttons like to navigate back, set the chart on full screen and others.


Version 1.14.0: Added parentLocale setting which allows using of default moment locales.
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Calendar specific localization settings. This section is used to initialize moment.js locale. See moment.js documentation for detailed description: http://momentjs.com/docs/#/customization/.

closeButton: string
Default value: "Close"
Inherited from: BaseSettingsLocalization

Text used on menu close button.

dataRequestFailed: string
Default value: "Data request failed"
Inherited from: BaseSettingsLocalization

Error message when data request has failed.

determiningDataBounds: string
Default value: "Determining data bounds"

Message being displayed while loading initial data.

exportNotAvailable: string
Default value: "Your browser does not support exporting the chart."
Inherited from: BaseSettingsLocalization
Introduced in version 1.15.6.

Error message when the browser does not support launching file save dialog from the script without using advanced.exportProxyURL and that setting has been disabled.

firstDayOfWeek: number
Default value: null

Which day of the week is considered the start of the week for display purposes. 'null' uses locale default, 0 uses Sunday, 1 uses Monday

holidayWeekdays: Array<number>
Default value: [ 6, 7 ]

Weekdays that are considered holidays. Uses ISO numbering, with 1 being Monday and 7 being Sunday.

infoDates: anonymous type

Date and time formats used to display the selected time range in the header of the info popup.

See also
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The formats used when only a single time unit has been selected or when the selection spans multiple major units (for example, selecting days from multiple months).

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The formats used for the major unit when displaying a time range where the major unit is the same, for example, the selection contains multiple days from the same week.

If the display unit is days, the resulting header text is shown as minorTimeFormats.d(from) - minorTimeFormats.d(to) majorTimeFormats.d(from), e.g. Feb 24 - Feb 26 2016.

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See the description of majorTimeFormats.

loadingLabel: string
Default value: "Loading..."
Inherited from: BaseSettingsLocalization

Message to show when data loading is in progress.

markerDates: anonymous type

Localizable strings for markers.

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Time formatting strings for time marker date.

noDataLabel: string
Default value: "No data"

Text to show on the info popup when there is no data in the selected range.

timeAxisDates: anonymous type

Localizable strings displayed in time axis.

majorLabelFullTimeFormats: TimeChartSettingsLocalizationTimeUnits
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Time formatting strings for major time units in bottom line of time axis.

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Time formatting strings for major time units in bottom line of time axis.

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Time formatting strings for minor time units in top line of time axis.

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Plural forms of time units.

Inherited from: BaseSettingsLocalization
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Strings used in toolbars.

unnamedSeries: string
Default value: "Unnamed"

Default name for series shown in info popup and legend. Note that info popup will not use it if only a single series is being used.

valueUnits: Dictionary<number>
Default value: { "K": 1000, "M": 1000000, "B": 1000000000, "T": 1000000000000, "P": 1000000000000000 }

Map from unit prefix to multiplier. Used for value axis formatting.