ZoomCharts Documentation

Version: 1.21.1 (2025-02-07)
Switch to Version 2.0 (BETA)


This section is defined by the type BaseSettingsAdvancedPointer.

Pointer related settings.


clickSensitivity: number
Default value: 10

Pixels pointer can move around and still be registered as a click.

doubleClickSensitivity: number
Default value: 20

Pixels pointer can move around and still be registered as double click.

doubleClickTimeout: number
Default value: 300

Maximum time in ms between clicks to register a double click.

longPressSensitivity: number
Default value: 10

The distance in pixels the pointer is allowed to be moved before the long-press event is cancelled.

longPressTimeout: number
Default value: 500

Time in ms the pointer has to be hold to register a long press (an alternative to clicking the right mouse button).

mouseWheelRequiresFocus: boolean
Default value: false
Introduced in version 1.13.0.

Specifies if the mouse wheel is only captured when the chart has focus. Setting this to true will require that the user first clicks the chart area.

noClickOnDoubleClick: boolean
Default value: false

If enabled, normal click event is not sent when user performs a double click. A not so nice side effect is that any on click actions are delayed by the double click timeout. Set to false if you are not relying on double click events.

scrollIntoView: boolean
Default value: false
Version 1.12.0: added the setting, previously the default was true.

Specifies if the chart container is scrolled into view once the chart is clicked.

Note that the scroll happens on a click, if the pointer is used to for example, drag the chart, it will not scroll into view so that the user interaction works properly.

speedAveragingPeriod: number
Default value: 200

Time window to use for pointer speed estimation.