ZoomCharts Documentation

Version: 1.21.1 (2024-11-08)


This section is defined by the type NetChartBarSettingsToolbar.

Adjustable settings to manage default and custom toolbar items, as well as toolbar overall appearance.


align: "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom"
Default value: "left"
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar

Toolbar align. Note that it can be overridden for individual items using item.align. Also Use 'top' or 'bottom' sides in conjunction with 'left', 'right' align or use 'left', 'right' sides with 'top', 'bottom'.

Valid values:
  • left
  • right
  • top
  • bottom
alignToChartWhenHorizontal: boolean
Default value: true
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar

Whether to align the toolbar to the chart area in horizontal mode

back: boolean
Default value: true
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar

Whether to show back button in toolbar.

cssClass: string
Default value: null
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar
Introduced in version 1.11.6.

CSS class name for the toolbar HTML panel.

enabled: boolean
Default value: true
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar

Show/hide toolbar.

export: boolean
Default value: false
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar

Whether to show export dropdown in toolbar.

exportOptions: Array<"png" | "jpg" | "pdf" | "csv" | "xlsx">
Default value: null
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar
Introduced in version 1.15.6.

Specifies what options will be provided for the user in the Export dropdown. Specifying null here will enable all options.

Note that some charts do not support XLSX or CSV option so enabling it here will not have any effect.

Currently the order of the types given in this array are ignored.

Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar

A list of user defined items to show in toolbar. These are displayed in addition to the items collection (which includes the default buttons).

See also
fit: boolean
Default value: true

Whether to show the fit button on the toolbar.

freeze: boolean
Default value: true

Whether to show the freeze button on the toolbar.

fullscreen: boolean
Default value: true
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar
Introduced in version 1.16.0.

Whether to show the fullscreen button on the toolbar.

isSticky: boolean
Default value: false
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar

Whether the toolbar will "stick" at the edge when scrolling

Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar

A list of toolbar items. If this is specified, it overrides all the default buttons.

Use extraItems to specify items that should be displayed in addition to the defaults.

See also
limitDropdownHeight: boolean
Default value: false
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar

Whether to limit dropdown menu height to the height of the chart

location: "auto" | "inside" | "outside"
Default value: "auto"
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar

Toolbar location inside chart.

Valid values:
  • auto - Picks the best based on other configuration settings. Specifically, this will pick outside if horizontal is enabled, inside otherwise.
  • inside - Inside chart area
  • outside - Outside of chart area
rearrange: boolean
Default value: true

Whether to show the rearrange button on the toolbar.

showLabels: boolean
Default value: false
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar

Whether to show or hide labels next to toolbar items by default. Note that it can be overridden for individual items using item.showLabels.

side: "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom"
Default value: "bottom"
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar

Toolbar placement side. Note that it can be overridden for individual items using item.side.

Valid values:
  • left
  • right
  • top
  • bottom
zoomControl: boolean
Default value: true
Introduced in version 1.9.0.

Whether to show the zoom slider control.

zoomOut: boolean
Default value: false
Inherited from: BaseSettingsToolbar

Whether to show the zoom out button.