ZoomCharts Documentation
Version: 1.21.1 (2024-11-08)
This section is defined by the type NetChartSettingsSwimlaneLayout.
Settings for swimlane layout
boxFillColor: string
Default value: "transparent"
Inherited from: NetChartSettingsSwimlaneLayoutStyle
What color the label box should be filled with
boxHeight: number
Inherited from: NetChartSettingsSwimlaneLayoutStyle
How tall the label box should be
drawVerticalFirst: boolean
Default value: true
Whether to draw horizontal or vertical lanes first. Can be important for lane colors showing up correctly
labelAlign: "center" | "right" | "left"
Default value: "center"
Inherited from: NetChartSettingsSwimlaneLayoutStyle
labelSideHorizontal: "right" | "left"
Default value: "left"
labelSideVertical: "top" | "bottom"
Default value: "top"
labelStyle: ItemsChartSettingsItemsLayerLabelStyle
Inherited from: NetChartSettingsSwimlaneLayoutStyle
View section details
laneFillColor: string
Inherited from: NetChartSettingsSwimlaneLayoutStyle
laneSpreadX: number
Default value: 200
laneSpreadY: number
Default value: 200
laneWidth: number
Inherited from: NetChartSettingsSwimlaneLayoutStyle
lineColor: string
Default value: "#000000"
Inherited from: NetChartSettingsSwimlaneLayoutStyle
What color the swimlane lines are
lineWidth: number
Default value: 3
How wide the swimlane lines are
shouldZoomBox: boolean
Default value: true
Inherited from: NetChartSettingsSwimlaneLayoutStyle