ZoomCharts Documentation
Switch to Version 2.0 (BETA)
Chart x-axis line rendered at the bottom horizontally to display group names under each bar.
Default width of one item. Used to calculate initial view.
Show/hide facet axis.
Maximum size x axis will grow to while fitting labels
Maximum width of one item.
Minimum width of one item.
Height of the x axis.
View section details
Configures the title for the facet axis.
Note that the title shares space with the facet axis labels. You might need to increase the value of facetAxis.size
property so that the labels are not hidden by the title.
The width of a single unit that will trigger a zoom-out action when the user swipes up.
Note that the other trigger for zoomout is to swipe up until all the bars fit in half the width of the chart. In this case this unit width might not have been reached.