ZoomCharts For Google Sheets users


26 yo accountant assistant in a finance industry company.

Ambitious, believes she's gonna run her own accounting company in 5 years. Does sports: "keeping body fit is crucial to keep the mind fresh""

  • 5:30 PM Manager Chris:
  • Hi Jane! Could you prepare some visuals on our sales last year? I've sent you a link to a Google Sheets document!
  • Oh... did I tell you I need it in 30 min?
  • Don't worry! It will take just a single click for me to do it!
  • Understand processes

    Understand your project management data better with the interactive visualizations.

    1. Data exploration & presentation
    2. Fluent cross-charts filtering
    3. Full-text search & instant visual results
    4. Fully automated
  • Save your time

    Interactive report is generated automatically - no need to spend time on configuration.

    1. Instant and easy-to-use
    2. Drill-down functionality for all charts
    3. Rich built-in interactivity options
    4. Fluent cross-charts filtering
    5. Visual search availability
  • 5:32PM
  • Here you go, Chris!
  • Magic! I can move on with my next tasks so much faster than I planned I could!

Spreadsheet Analytics For Google Sheets users

Turn your google sheets into eye-popping presentations with one click!

Starting from $9 / per month / per user
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