Power BI + ZoomCharts =
Touch & Get It!

Finding answers in business reports is faster and easier than before.

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Business people love Touch And Get It experience, because
reports are easy to use, fast to explore and nice to look at.

Easy to use

No need for right click, Ctrl or other hidden controls. No need for Power BI training. Touch And Get It!

Fast to explore

Asking questions has never been faster - just tap a slice to instantly filter and drill-down the report. Answer might be just a tap away.

Nice to look at

Smooth transition animations help your report viewers navigate through data. Great looking out-of-the-box. Fully customizable to meet your needs.

ZoomCharts visuals are used by 10000+ data driven organizations all over the world.

"The Advanced Visuals enable Power BI users to enjoy data and achieve more!"

Product Manager, Power BI, Ranin Salameh