ZoomCharts Documentation

Version: 1.21.1 (2025-02-07)
Switch to Version 2.0 (BETA)

Net chart navigation

Navigation controls how net chart selects nodes to display. This is especially useful for bigger networks that are not possible to show all at once.

Navigation is governed by settings.navigation subsection.

navigation: {
    mode: "showall" // "manual", "showall" or "focusnodes",
    initialNodes: null // list of nodes,
    focusNodeExpansionRadius: 2,
    focusNodeTailExpansionRadius: 0.3,
    numberOfFocusNodes: 3,
    expandOnClick: true

Navigation modes

There are 3 navigation modes:

Displays all nodes. If dynamic data loading is used Net Chart will incrementally request and display new nodes until all nodes have loaded=true set. This is the default mode.

Initially only nodes listed in initialNodes are shown. User can expand shown nodes to display neighbor nodes. This mode gives best control of chart for a developer.

Great for exploration of big networks. initialNodes become focus nodes and network of neighbor nodes at maximum distance of focusNodeExpansionRadius is displayed. Double click on a node marks it as focus node. Previous focus nodes are removed to maintain no more than numberOfFocusNodes nodes focused. More details at Focusnodes algorithm details.