ZoomCharts Documentation


This section is defined by the type GeoChartSettingsLayerAggregated.


aggregation: "sum" | "min" | "max" | "first" | "last" | "avg" | "count"
Default value: "count"

Aggregation function to use.

Valid values:
  • sum
  • min
  • max
  • first
  • last
  • avg
  • count
aggregationField: string
Default value: null

Data field used for aggregation.

aggregationFunction: (nodesArray: Array<GeoChartGeoDataObjectNode>) => number
Default value: null

Custom function to call for aggregation


array of nodes matching single shape

Return value
Data type: number

aggregated value, to be passed to styleFunction

id: string
Default value: "default"
enabled: boolean
Default value: true
id: string
Default value: "default"
maxZoom: number
Default value: 20
minZoom: number
Default value: 0
name: string
Default value: ""
perZoomStyle: boolean
Default value: false

Forces style re-evaluation on zoom change. Use to provide zoom dependant style.

shapesLayer: string

The ID of a linked shapes layer. Style changes will be applied to this layer. The shapes layer must be defined before the aggregation layer.

styleFunction: (node: ItemsChartNode, value: number) => void
Default value: null

Function for applying the aggregated value on node.


shape node style is being applied to

value: number

computed aggregate value

type: "shapes" | "items" | "charts" | "aggregateOnShapes"
Default value: "aggregateOnShapes"
Valid values:
  • shapes
  • items
  • charts
  • aggregateOnShapes
useFindObjectHack: boolean
Default value: false