ZoomCharts Documentation
Switch to Version 2.0 (BETA)
Brightness applied to slice line and fill color value 0 - black value 1 - unchanged value 2 - transparent
Distance how far the slice is moved away from pie.
Specifies if the slice is expandable.
Slice fill color.
Gradient definition for the pie slice
Icon to display on slice.
Gets or sets the style of the label shown inside the slice. Use insideLabel.text
to specify the text that will be displayed.
Gets or sets the style of the external label. Use label.text
to specify the text that will be displayed.
Brightness applied to slice line color
Outline color.
Line dash array that is a pattern to get a dashed line. The array contains length of dash followed by length of space. Note that a sequence of multiple dash-space values is supported.
Width of the slice outline.
Specifies markers positioned relative to the pie
Specifies markers positioned relative to the slice
Url to open on click.