ZoomCharts Documentation

Version: 1.21.1 (2025-02-07)
Switch to Version 2.0 (BETA)


Inheritance hierarchy

This type is implemented by GeoChartSettingsEvents, LinearChartSettingsEvents, NetChartSettingsEvents, PieChartSettingsEvents, TimeChartSettingsEvents, BaseSettingsEvents<BaseChartEventArguments, BaseChartEventArguments>, BaseSettingsEvents<ItemsChartChartEventArguments, ItemsChartChartClickEventArguments>, LinearChartSettingsEvents<BaseChartEventArguments, BaseChartEventArguments> and LinearChartSettingsEvents<FacetChartChartEventArguments, FacetChartChartClickEventArguments>.


This type does not define any methods.


chartUpdateDelay: number

Function called on pointer down. Function called on pointer up. Function called when pointer drag has happened. Function called when mouse pointer is moved. Function called when data is loaded/added/replaced/removed. Time to wait after last action before firing onChartUpdate event.

onChartUpdate: (event: BaseMouseEvent, args: TArguments) => void

Function called when whenever current view has changed. Usually after panning and navigation. Use to update any linked views. Note that this is also fired after chart initialization and API methods. Use args.origin field to determine event's origin.


An empty mouse event.

onClick: (event: BaseMouseEvent, args: TClickArguments) => void

Function called when user clicks on chart.


The mouse event.

onDoubleClick: (event: BaseMouseEvent, args: TClickArguments) => void

Function called when user double clicks on chart.


The mouse event.

Function called when error occurs, default behavior is log to console.


The mouse event that was the cause of the error.

onHoverChange: (event: BaseMouseEvent, args: TArguments) => void

Function called when object pointer is on changes.


The mouse event.

onLassoChange: (event: BaseMouseEvent, args: TArguments) => void

Function called when lasso is changed


The mouse event that caused the event (if any)

onLongPress: (event: BaseMouseEvent, args: TClickArguments) => void

Function called when user long presses on chart.


The mouse event.

onPositionChange: (event: BaseMouseEvent, args: TArguments) => void

Function called whenever chart placement on screen changes. Note that this is called on every animation frame and is intended for painting overlays only.


The mouse event that caused the event (if any)

onRightClick: (event: BaseMouseEvent, args: TClickArguments) => void

Function called when user right clicks on chart.


The mouse event.

onSelectionChange: (event: BaseMouseEvent, args: TArguments) => void

Function called when selected slices has changed.


The mouse event.

onSettingsChange: (event: BaseMouseEvent, args: BaseChartSettingsChangeEventArguments) => void

Function called when settings are changed.


An empty mouse event.

onTripleClick: (event: BaseMouseEvent, args: TClickArguments) => void

Function called when user triple clicks on chart. Use it for custom function call.


The mouse event.